How to Correct Visits or Supplies Entered on the Wrong Chart...

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How to Correct Visits or Supplies Entered on the Wrong Chart Number/Program/JobCode

The steps provided below will allow you to correct visits/supplies entered on the wrong chart.  This process will also change the Assessments and Schedules that match the criteria/dates entered.  You can also use the steps below if the charges are under the correct chart, but were keyed in under the wrong program/payer/job code.

From Barnestorm Office:

a.  Click Employee Activity tab.

b.  Select Fix Payer/JobCd/Chart#.

c.  Type the chart number in the left column.  If you do not know the chart number, search by entering the patient's last name.  Select the appropriate patient.

d.  Press Enter.

e.  Select the program, payer and job code, of the current entries that you would like to change.

f.   Put in the from and through date that apply.

g.  Click Find All Visit/Assess/Sched Like This tab.  A list of visits will appear at bottom portion of screen.  

You will do the same steps to correct the supplies, use the Find All Supplies Like This tab, if applicable.

h.  On right-hand side, select the correct chart number, program, payer and job code

i.  Select And Change Them To This tab

Related article: Correct Visit Info

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Last Modified:Thursday, April 07, 2022

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