Delete A Payer

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Delete A Payer

a.  From Barnestorm Office main screen, click Codes tab

b.  Click Program Related Codes

c.  Click Payer Codes

d.  Pull up the payer to be deleted

e.  Click DELETE at the bottom of the screen.  Once you click delete, the payer will be deleted, with the exception below.  If the payer is deleted in error, you will need to rekey the payer information to resave.

*Exception: If the payer has been used, a warning message will pop and the payer will NOT be deleted. 

** An alternate option would be to include DNU (Do Not Use) in the payer description, and hit Save.  For example:  AETNA (DNU). This is commonly done when a code has already been used, but the agency chooses to no longer use that code.

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Last Modified:Thursday, October 20, 2022

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