Add No Charge Visits to Claim

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Add No Charge Visits to Claim

If you have visits that you need to include on the claim but that you can't charge for, set up your charges to show as $0 charge visit on the claim.
  1. Set up a new visit status code in Codes > Program Related Codes > Visit Status Codes. Set Chargeable = No. Make a note of the new visit status code number.
  2. In Codes > Security > Global Settings, add that code under Billing on item 1302.
  3. Change the visit charges to the new visit code.

When the claim prints off there will be 2 columns (with the same amount) for those line items that are nonchargeable.  On the final page of claim, you will notice your billed amount will be different from your charges billed.

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    Last Modified:Tuesday, April 21, 2015

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    Type: INFO

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