Medicaid Face to Face Documentation

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Medicaid Face to Face Documentation

Ohio Medicaid started requiring face-to-face as of February 2011; NC Medicaid in December 2011.

Part 1 - Set up Text Items

    Go to Codes > POC Codes > [T]Text Items.
    Click the New button.  **Make a note of the 4-digit code that is assigned.**
    Now copy and paste the appropriate text from below into the Text area.
    Click the Save button.

Part 2 - Set up Orders

    From the main menu, go to Codes > Security > Global Settings > Orders.
    Fill in the 4-digit code for Verbal Orders TBox Code for Face-to-face Medicaid Encounter.

Here is the text:

Documentation of Medicaid Face to Face Encounter

I certify that this patient is under my care and that I, or a nurse practitioner or physician's assistant working with me,

had a face-to-face encounter that meets the physician face-to-face encounter requirements with this patient on: (Write in the date that visit occurred below):

Month / Day / Year                                         Name of Physician, NP, or PA

The encounter with the patient was in whole, or in part, for the following medical condition, which is the primary reason for home health care (List medical condition):


I certify that, based on my findings, the following services are medically necessary home health services (Check all that apply):
_______Physical therapy
_______Speech language pathology
To provide the following care/treatments: (Required only when the physician completing the face to face encounter documentation is different than the physician completing the plan of care):


My clinical findings support the need for the above services because:


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Last Modified:Friday, March 09, 2012

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