Segment 8 or Situational Error on 5010 Claim Rejection

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Segment 8 or Situational Error on 5010 Claim Rejection

If you get a Segment 8 or Situational error on a rejected 5010 claim, it's probably because your agency has a PO address listed or does not have the 9 digit zip code indicated.PO Boxes are no longer allowed for provider addresses on claims. Nine-digit zip codes are required.

1. Go to Billing > HIPAA Transactions > Edit HIPAA Payers.
2. Find the payer that sent the rejection.
3. Change the PO Box in the address to a street address. ONLY a street address may be listed.
    Remove any PO Box indicator and/or special characters.
4. Change the zip code to 9 digits with no hyphen. Barnestorm does not have your 9-digit zip code,
    but you may find it on incoming mail or ask your local USPS office.
5. Save the payer after changing.

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Last Modified:Friday, January 13, 2012

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