How to Read 5010 Response Files

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How to Read 5010 Response Files

Reading 5010 Responses

Barnestorm is working on making the 5010 responses simple for users like they are for 4010.

In the meantime, here is how to determine whether it was accepted:

·        View the 999 file.

·        If you see IK5*A, the batch was accepted.

·        If you see IK5*R, the batch was rejected.

We are unable to log in and look at every response file and tell you whether it has been accepted—please

use the instructions above to determine whether your batch has been accepted. Barnestorm is working on

making the 5010 responses simple for users like they are for 4010 and should have this process complete soon.


Please note that we’ve heard from multiple customers that 5010 responses tend to be sporadic.

This is not a Barnestorm issue, this is the payer’s 5010 response system. Please contact the payer if

you have questions about their responses or any delay in their response times.


More 5010 Information

Please do not call Barnestorm with general questions about 5010 until you have read all of our existing articles on the topic to see if they address your question.

We are unable to track the 5010 conversion process of every independent payer, so please call your payer with questions about when they are ready for 5010 claims. Our software creates the claim format, but we are not responsible for or aware of the conversion process at independent payers.

We are unable to log in and look at every response file and tell you whether it has been accepted—please use the instructions in our KB to determine whether your batch has been accepted.

More information and how-to articles are available on Barnestorm at:

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Last Modified:Friday, January 13, 2012

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