Barnestorm Cloud Docs

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Barnestorm Cloud Docs

What is Barnestorm Cloud Docs?

Barnestorm Cloud Docs is an online repository that allows you to upload many files types and associate these documents with a particular patient. The cloud can be accessed from directly within Barnestorm or from any web browser using a username and password.

Ok, how does it work?

After logging in, you select a patient using the smart search box.  Once the patient is selected, it will check to see if that patient has any documents already.  If not, the folder structure will be created using the global setting in Barnestorm for folder structure(#0533), which is 485|Aide|Diagnostics and Labs|Miscellaneous|MSW|Nurse|PT|ReferralInfo|Wounds by default.  After selecting a patient, choose your folder, upload or download documents or make any other changes using the familiar interface.

Sounds good, but, is it secure?

To access the page a complex password must be entered on the bottom of the employee page in Barnestorm.  So, you can control who can access the documents very easily.  The connection to the cloud page uses the highest level of security available for websites -  TLS 1.0 128 bit encryption.  So, you can be confident that every document that is uploaded or downloaded is as secure as possible.

Great, how do I sign up?

To sign up, contact Barnestorm Technical Support at and we can get you set up today!
Minimum internet speed: 20Mbps down and 5Mbps up

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Last Modified:Wednesday, May 31, 2017

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