02.42 Employee Productivity Report

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02.42 Employee Productivity Report

How to Run the Report

The Employee Productivity Report pulls productive hours worked for visit and non visit codes.  The visit status code must be setup as Real Visit = Yes and the non visit code must be setup as Productive Time = Yes.  Some non visit codes will get pulled regardless of the setup – ex. Travel time always gets pulled.  This report will pick up visit assessment status incomplete, completed, locked and locked+chg.  

This report works best when you assign productivity units to visit codes (Codes > Program Related Codes > Visit Status Codes). These units are used to help determine a comparable workload for a specific time period.  An example of productivity units is marking the more complex visits with a unit higher than 1.0 to indicate a longer visit time.

From Barnestorm Office click on Reports > Employees > 02.42 Employee Productivity Report.

  • From and Thru dates = visit date or non visit date.
  • Program(s), Employee(s) = Filter which visit/non visits to pull.
  • Use Assessments and Non-Assessment Visits = Check this box if your agency uses Point of Care to enter assessments.
  • Use Visits Only = Check this box if your agency does NOT use Point of Care to enter assessments.
  • Contract Employees = Check if you want to include contract employees.  These employees are setup in Codes> Other Basic Codes > Employees with the Vendor field starting with **.
  • Agency Employees = All noncontracted employees.
  • All Employees, RN, PT, etc. = Filter which disciplines you want to select.
  • Apply Program(s) Filter to the Employee Program Number = Check this if you want to combine all of each employee’s time into their home program number, which is listed under Codes > Other Basic Codes > Employees. 
  • Exclude NonVisit Time = Check to exclude any non visit time entries from the time sheet.
  • Use NonVisit Time Units = Uses the point system based out of Barnestorm Office > Codes > Program Related Codes > Non Visit Time> Pay Rate.
  • Include Miles =Check this box to include mileage entered into the time sheet. 
  • Target points per week = The number of weekly productivity units to score the percentage in the report.  

How to Read the Report

  • Employee = Employee number and name.
  • Pg = Program number.
  • Visit Type = Visit status code description or the non visit code description.
  • Count = The number of entries for the Visit Type.
  • Points = The productivity unit scale listed under Codes > Program Related Codes > Visit Status Codes.
  • Score = Multiply the Count by Points.
  • Hours = Total hours for that visit or non visit code.
  • % = See the detailed description below on how we pull this information. 

How the % is calculated: 

We use the score from the report and divide it by the target points to get the relative productivity measures.  

To get the actual Target points when report is ran + / - 7 day increments  

Target points * number of days ran on report / 7 (days in a week)

Example: 30.00 Target points x 29 days (Feb 1 – 29) divided by 7 days

This number will be your new target number

To get the percentage

Score from the report divided by the target = % on the report

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Last Modified:Tuesday, November 01, 2022

Last Modified By: farrah@barnestorm.com


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