Pull Default Text Item into Visit / Assessment Comments area on...

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Pull Default Text Item into Visit / Assessment Comments area on Start Screen

In order to use this function, you will need to have a Text Item created. See the article on creating text items if you need help with that:
Add/Change/Delete Text Item Codes ([T] Text Items, Codes, Enter Text, Instructions) (barnestorm.us)

If you only want one Text Item to show up:

  • From the main menu, click n the Codes button. Select POC Codes. Select [T] Text Items.
  • Note the four-digit code of the Text item you wish to insert into all visit notes.
  • Go to Codes > Security > Global Settings.
  • Expand the POC category.
  • Locate field 0711 The default value for the comment section in new assessments. 
  • Enter the four-digit Text Item code. 

 If want multiple Text Items to show up: 

  • From the main menu, click on the Codes button. Select POC Codes. Select [T] Text Items.
  • Pull up the Text item you wish to insert into all visit notes.
  • Add a new Category exactly as follows: Start up Notes
  • Click the Save button.

Clinicians will need to sync for this to take effect. New notes will have the text item on the Start screen in the Visit Comments area. 
Like all Text items, this text can of course be edited, deleted, or augmented at the clinician's discretion.

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Last Modified:Friday, February 24, 2023

Last Modified By: farrah@barnestorm.com


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