Show or Hide Unanswered Fall Assessment Items on Assessment /...

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Show or Hide Unanswered Fall Assessment Items on Assessment / Visit Note

If the fall risk of a patient is greater than 4, you have the option of printing or hiding unanswered fall assessment items on the assessment note. 4 is the standard level for this indicator.

To show or hide unanswered fall assessment items when the risk is greater than 4, one person needs to make the change in Barnestorm Office and then anyone with POC needs to sync.
In Barnestorm Office, click Codes > Security > Global Settings.
Under the POC header, find the item that starts, "On the printout of the fall assessment in poc..."
Change the item selector to False to hide the unanswered items.
Change the item selector to True to show the unanswered items.
You don't need to save; you can just leave the Codes screen.

Have all clinicians sync and the changes will apply to new assessment printouts.

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Last Modified:Wednesday, June 08, 2011

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