Creating MSP Claims

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Creating MSP Claims

Creating MSP Claims

  1. Go to Billing > PPS Billing > Edit PPS Episodes  and make sure that the episode hasn’t already had an EOE created (if so, cancel it). Now you can actually create the claim.
  2. Go to Billing > PPS Billing > Create EOE MSP Claims.
  3. As soon as you type the first 3 digits of the chart#, since there won’t be many, it’ll probably show up.  If the name does not show up:  Do the following verifications:  a.  Verify that the Medicare is second in the Referral > Payer screen; b.  Make sure all visits in the episode have been changed to Medicare; c. Verify the RAP has already been created for the episode.  The system will not generate the final (EOE) claim if the RAP has not been created.
  4. Select the episode.
  5. Fill in all the codes that are needed for the claim.  If a payment was made, choose the correct value code and fill in the amount paid, and then type in the CAS line so that the amount paid + the amount adjusted = total amount billed (your charges, not the HIPPS code $Amount).
  6. Check Mark this episode as EOE created.
  7. Click the Create This One MSP Claim button. It’s ready to transmit.

 Click here for MSP Billing tips.

***IMPORTANT: Palmetto offers an MSP Processing Tool that can help you determine your MSP claim outcomes.****

Because Barnestorm support thinks that this tool is a excellent, comprehensive, free resource for solving MSP issues, 
we ask that you use this tool and its linked resources to attempt to answer your MSP question before calling Barnestorm.

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Last Modified:Friday, May 12, 2023

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