01.42 - Home Health Face-to-Face Required

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01.42 - Home Health Face-to-Face Required

Reports > 485 > 01.42 HH Face-to-face Reqd

This report tracks Home Health patients whose SOC 485 requires face-to-face visit documentation.   The date range reflects the patients admit date.  If the patient does not have a Face to Face marked as received then the patient will appear on the list.  

The following are places to mark if the Face to Face was received:

  • 485 > Select the episode > Check the box for Physician Face-to-Face documentation verified. 
  • Referral > Dr+Pharmacy > check the box for Face-to-Face order was received with the referral.  This will automatically check the box on the 485 screen when the 485 has been created.  

Other Notes:

If one of the two places are not used to mark the Face to Face as received, then the patient will appear on the report. 

If the 485 screen has a box over the Face to Face box "Why", either: 1) That payer is not setup as required to have Face to Face documented, or 2) you have an episode other than the SOC selected.  To make a payer be required to receive Face to Face go to Codes > Program Related Codes > Payer Codes, the last question on the screen relates to Face to Face.  

Report Features:

From/Thru Dates:  Select the date range for the time period you are searching for.

Programs:  Enter Program# (s), or leave blank to select all.

Team:  Enter Team# (s), or leave blank to select all.

Filtering Options:

Medicare - PPS - Only pulls patients that are Medicare -PPS

Medicare - Hospice - Only pulls patients that are Medicare-Hospice.

NC Medicaid - Only pulls patients that are NC Medicaid

All - Pulls all patients, regardles of payer.

Sort Options:

You can sort the report by Doctor, Patient, Date, Program/Doctor, Program/Patient or Program/Date.

Print Options:

- Landscape

- Export to Excel

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Last Modified:Friday, June 19, 2020

Last Modified By: farrah@barnestorm.com


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