Report of Patient Cert Dates and Number of Days Active (Face to...

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Report of Patient Cert Dates and Number of Days Active (Face to Face)

For the Face-to-Face meetings, use this printout:
  1. Click the Select Patient button on the Barnestorm main menu.
  2. If you only need the printout for one program (such as Hospice), select the Program from the drop-down menu. 
  3. From the VIEWING drop-down select the 485s Expiring option. 
  4. As needed, change the Show number of days to a greater number. 
  5. This will give you a list of patients, their last 485 thru date, and the number of days active.
  6. Click the printer icon to print the report. 

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Last Modified:Thursday, June 27, 2024

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