Hosice - Continuous Care Billing

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Hosice - Continuous Care Billing

Each day of the billing period must have either a single per diemcharge, or one or more continuous care charges (8 - 24 hours total).

For continuous care, the minimum is 8 hours, and care must be at least 50% nursing.

No per diems billed on continuous care days. Bill per diem up until the day BEFORE continuous care was provided.

Bill continuous care on the day(s) it was provided.

*The visits are entered as chargeable, using the continuous care job code.

Click here for the PalmettoGBA Article on "How to Prevent Hospice Claim Denials Related to Continuous Care Hours."

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Last Modified:Monday, October 31, 2022

Last Modified By: linda@barnestorm.com

Type: INFO

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