Add Signatures for Employees

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Add Signatures for Employees

You can add a signature on a device that allows you capture input from a stylus pen or you can use any mouse pen, wireless digital pen or standard mouse. Touchscreens are required for monitor signing.

For most customers, this device is a tablet computer, such as the ones used for Barnestorm POC.

In order to capture signatures for various employees, you will need to have Barnestorm Office installed on the tablet or use an external signature pad and be logged in as a user with top permissions.

  1. Log into Barnestom Office on a tablet computer, as the user whose signature you wish to capture.
  2. Click on the Codes Security > Employee Signatures.
  3. If you get a prompt to download Microsoft Ink, download and run it.
  4. Have the employee write their signature, using touch screen stylus pen or external device you have setup. 
  5. You can also pull up another employee to save their signature by using the Employee field to search by name or code. 
  6. Click Save when the signature is complete.  You will see the signature show up below the signature box. 

The other option is to have each employee log in under Barnestorm POC and use the My Signature button on the main menu to capture their signature. Both methods work the same way; syncing after capture in POC sends the signature to the main system.

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Last Modified:Friday, July 22, 2022

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