Increase the Font Size on Reports

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Increase the Font Size on Reports

If the font size for the reports in Reports are too small, you can change the size to make them bigger. 

There are two different types of report in the Reports screen.  There are the reports that start with a menu number and the ones that do not.  An example of ones that do start with a number is from the Visits category > 02.06 Visit Reference List.  Both of these report types has a different way to change the font. 

The ones that start with a menu number:

o   After selecting the report you need to run, check the Landscape box.

o   Change the report settings and click on Print Report.

o   This will print the report out in landscape and increase the font size slightly.

The reports that do not start with a menu number:

o   Note the name of the report you need to increase the font.

o   Select the Admin tab from left column (if you do not have access to this tab, you will need to ask someone who does).

o   Click on Create Reports.

o   Select the name of the report from the drop-down list.

o   Click on Next until you get to the last page.

o   Change the font to a 9 and click on Save Report (start with a 9, if it needs to be bigger go back and try a 10).

o   Go back to that report in Reports (New) and run and print the report.

o   Note: From the Reports screen, if you click on Download New Reports the font will go back to its original font size.

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Last Modified:Thursday, August 09, 2012

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