09.25 Patient ICD Search

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09.25 Patient ICD Search

How to Run the Report

You can generate a report that looks for patients using specific ICD / Surgical codes.  This report is located in Reports > Misc. > 09.25 Patient ICD Search.

From / Thru = These dates tie into the type of patients you want to select (from below).

Program(s) / Payer(s) / Team(s) = Filter report by entering program, payer, team number(s).  Or leave blank to select all.

Diagnosis Codes / Surgery Codes = Select which type of codes you are searching for.

Patients Active / Patients Admitted / Patient Discharged = Select the type of status you want to search through.  This part ties in with the From and Thru dates (from above).

Look thru ICD positions = You can narrow down your search if you're only looking for the code to be placed in a certain area.  This will search up to 50 position.  01 is the primary code.

ICD Codes = Enter the ICD or Surgical code(s) you need to search for.  Do not include the decimal.  To search for one code enter the same code in both fields.  

by Patient's Name / by ICD code = Select the order you want to run the report.

Show Each Unique Patient / ICD Only Once = This will only show one entry for each code.

Search each patient's complete ICD history to see if they have ever had a matching ICD Code = Shows multiple entries for each code.  This option will only show up with the ICD Codes. 

o Show Last SN and PT Visit Dates = Will add a column with the date last seen by each discipline.  


How to Read the Report


## = The position of the code within the ICD or Surgery Histories screen.


Icd Date = Date entered for that code from the Histories screen.


ICD Code = The ICD or Surgery code with the description.


Admitted = Date the patient was admitted (from Referral > Finish screen).


D/C Date = Date the patient was discharged (from Referral > Payer screen).  If blank then the patient is active.


Rsn = Discharge reason code.  If blank then the patient is active.


R / S / Tm / Co = Race / Sex / Team / County.


Days = Number of days active. 


Payer = Program number / Payer number with payer description. 

o Last SN / Last PT = The date of the last SN and/or PT visit.  This may be blank if a patient has the code in their history but does not have visits for either discipline. 


The end of the report gives an average age and length of stay.  

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Last Modified:Tuesday, February 17, 2015

Last Modified By: farrah@barnestorm.com


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