Void A Claim

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Void A Claim

Medicare claims are cancelled directly in DDE.

Medicaid claims, however, may be voided directly from Barnestorm. Each Medicaid claim sent for each patient has a unique identifying number, called an ICN, which is assigned during the claims processing phase.

You will need to void a claim when the original claim that was transmitted was incorrect, and changes to the claim requires full reimbursement to the payer.

Here are the steps to void a Medicaid (or nonPPS payer) claim:

  • Go to Barnestorm Office> Accounts Receivable > ICN Edit.
  • Enter the patient's chart number.
  • If the patient has more than one payer, select the payer.
  • The ICNs are listed on the right, showing the From Date, Through Date, Paid Date, and ICN number. Determine which ICN needs to be voided based on the dates.  (If an ICN entry is not listed, see steps below on how to manually enter the ICN information.)
  • Click the ICN number for the claim you wish to void.
  • Change the 7 to an 8 for void.
  • Make a note of the from and through dates.
  • Click Save.

If the dates you need to replace are NOT listed, you will need to manually enter the ICN information.

  1. Click the Add a New ICN Entry line. An ICN entry window will open.
  2. You will need to key in the following information directly from the payer remittance advice: Payment date, Charges from date, Charges thru date, and the ICN number. 
  3. Change the 7 to an 8 for void
  4. Click the Save button. 

Your ICN entry will now appear in the list.

  • Go to Billing > All Other Billing.
  • Enter the from date and through date EXACTLY as they appeared on the claim you wish to replace.
  • Enter the patient chart number.
  • Click the Prepare Charges for Billing button.
  • ****Check the box beside Send as replacement claims.**** THIS STEP IS IMPORTANT****
  • Click the Create HIPAA Tx button.
  • Select the Print UB04/1500 tab, to view the claim.  Make sure the TOB (Type of Bill) at the top, right of the claim shows 0328, for void claims. If it does not, one of the steps above was missed.  Redo steps to make sure the correct TOB is put on the claim.  If you have previously created a void transmission for this same claim, and need to recreate it, go back to the ICN screen, select the date of service, and remove the previously created transmission#, then press Save. **If there is an existing filename, a new batch will not create.
  • Transmit to Medicaid (or designated payer) as normal--the transmission process is exactly the same to void a claim as it is to send a regular claim.

Advanced Information:

The 837 file has information regarding the claim:

On the line starting CLM* , after the :: there is a number--

1 =original claim

7 =replacement claim

8= void claim (If the number 8 does not show, you did not create a void claim.)

line after the CLM* has the ICN number.

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Last Modified:Monday, February 17, 2025

Last Modified By: linda@barnestorm.com

Type: INFO

Rated 5 stars based on 1 vote

Article has been viewed 9,918 times.
