Cancel a Batch of Claims

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Cancel a Batch of Claims

You can cancel a batch of PPS claims or cancel a single claim(s) from a batch/serial number if it was generated by mistake. 

1.  From Office go to Billing > PPS Billing > Review PPS Batches

2.  On the top left is an option to Show PPS Batches by All (employees) or Only My Claims Created.  Choose the appropriate option.

3.  Change the From and Thru dates to when the batch was created (if needed).

4.  Select RAP/NOA or End of Episode, depending on what type of claim(s) you wish to cancel.

5.  Select the claim transmission number from the list of batches that appear on the left side of the screen: You’ll notice a list of episodes, that are within that transmission will appear on the right side of the screen.

6.  Select Cancel All Episodes in This Batch to cancel all of the episodes; Or select an episode and click Cancel the Selected Episode.  After you cancel the episode(s), it will be taken out of the Edit PPS Episode screen and the claim will be placed back in the list of claims ready for billing.

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Last Modified:Friday, May 19, 2023

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