Entering the Carolina Access number

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Entering the Carolina Access number

From Barnestorm Office the Carolina Access number will be in the Referral > Payer > Extra Billing Info or Referral > Dr + Pharmacy tab. The Dr + Pharmacy tab can only have one CA#. NOTE: The CA number often refers to a physician group rather than an individual, and they are reported separately.  If the CA is a group, then that can't be reported as the ordering physician.

The Extra Billing Info tab is used to create multiple date ranges when the CA# changes. Be sure to look in the Extra Billing Info tab first when troubleshooting.

From the Payers tab: For the first entry enter the Carolina Access number. Click on Save. You’ll notice a set of dates off to the rights that looks like - 00-00-0000 thru 12-31-2075.

To change the CA# change the thru date to the ending date for the last Carolina Access number. Click on Add a New “From Date”, change the from date to the effective date of the new CA#, add enter the new CA#, click on Save.

Tips on how it should look:

o The from date with all zeros is for the start of care thru the end of the last month that had the original CA#
o Then create a new from date that's the first of the next month and put the new CA# in there
o The new entry can have a thru date of 12/31/2075, until the pt changes CA providers again
o What you want to end up with is a list of dates with no gaps that identify the CA# for each month
o When the CA# doesn’t change, the from/thru can run for several months
o The last entry should end 12/31/2075 showing that it's still active and applies to all future months From the Dr + Pharmacy tab: There’s only room for one Carolina Access number.

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Last Modified:Friday, February 21, 2014

Last Modified By: christine@barnestorm.com


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