02.91 POC/Office History - Sync History Report

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02.91 POC/Office History - Sync History Report

***Notice: This report has been moved from the Employees category to the Audit category under Reports***

This report will allow you to view details of each employee’s login/sync history.

From Barnestorm Office click on Reports > Audits > 02.91 POC/Office History

POC sync history - each time an employee saves a piece of information that exchanges between Office and POC, it creates a log entry.  Each entry is assigned a Log ID.  

This screen will keep track of the current Office and POC versions.  You can use this to know if someone is using an older version of the software. 

Program(s)/Employee(s) = Use this filter to only view select program or employees.  Leave blank to select all. 

Print by Computer Name = Groups each employee login by the computer’s name.

Print by Employee Name = Groups each employee login by the employee’s Barnestorm login name.

POC Syncs - Details = Shows each date/time the employee has completed a sync during the time frame selected. Send From and Send Thru are the group of log IDs that were sent from the local database to the server.  #Sent are the total number of logs sent.  Receive From and Receive Thru are the group logs IDs that were sent from the server to the local database. #Received are the total number of logs that were exchanged.  

POC Syncs - Summary = Shows how many syncs were completed during the time frame selected and the totals for sync time and logs sent/received. 

Office and POC Versions = Shows if platform is Office or POC and the current version with the range of dates/times of the logins. 

Office and POC Versions - Out of Date Computers Only = This is a great way to verify all computers are running the current version.  The header of the report verifies the current version of Office and POC software.  The report will show you the version the employee is running and the last time they logged in and updated versions.  Computers will appear on this report if they 1) have logged in after the last update but do not have the latest version or 2) Have not logged in since the most recent version. 

Office Logins and POC Logins = Shows each time the user logs into the software with the date and time and version. 

TRY RUNNING THIS REPORT BEFORE MEETINGS THAT INVOLVE POC USERS TO MAKE SURE THEY HAVE THE MOST RECENT BARNESTORM VERSION.  If any device does not have the current version, please start a chat from the device that needs the update.

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Last Modified:Friday, September 16, 2022

Last Modified By: linda@barnestorm.com


Rated 5 stars based on 1 vote

Article has been viewed 8,226 times.
