AR Inquiry

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AR Inquiry

The AR Inquiry screen allows you to view the history of a patients account. From the Main Menu in Barnestorm Office click on Accounts Receivable (or Billing) > Inquiry > AR Inquiry.

  • Enter the patients chart number or search for patient by name. Use the 0-90 Days, 0-365 Days and 0-9999 Days to search for discharged patients.
  • When you select a patient the From is the Admit date and the Thru date is the current date. You can change the dates to select a specific time frame. After you change the dates click on View to refresh the screen.
  • You can view all claims or only the unpaid ones.
  • By default, the Show Newest First is selected. If you want to view the older claims first uncheck this box.

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Last Modified:Monday, August 14, 2023

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