07.06 Scheduled Visits vs Visits Made

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07.06 Scheduled Visits vs Visits Made

From the Patient Info screen > Scheduled Vx shows visits scheduled during the previous 14 days as well as future schedules.  If a scheduled visit prior to today has a matching assessment, then it is marked OK and shows the actual time in; if not matched it is marked __.

From the Main Menu in Barnestorm Office click on Reports > Audit > 07.06 Scheduled Visits vs Visits Made.  This report compares the planned visits that were entered in the Schedules screen to the visits that were actually done. 

  • From Dates = Starting assessment/schedule date. 
  • Thru Dates = Ending assessment/schedule date.
  • Program(s) / Payer(s) / Team(s) / Employee(s) = Filter report by entering program, payer, team or Employee numbers.  Or leave blank to select all.
  • Print Active Patients With No Future Schedules = This report will show all Active patients who have no future schedules.  If you select this bullet, some of the options below will  not appear.
  • Use Match the time +/- Hrs to indicate the number of hours difference between the scheduled time and the actual time that allows a scheduled visit to be matched to an actual visit.  The information that is matched up is the chart#, employee#, date and time (+/- specified hours). 
  • Match Schedules to POC Assessments = Use this option if you are comparing actual visit/assessments from Point of Care.
  • Match Schedules to Visit Charges = Use this option if you key in your charges from Barnestorm Office > Employee Activity > Visit Entry. 

  • Skip Patients With No First Name or RBNA = This option will skip patients that do not have a first name listed or if patient is RBNA.
  • Skip Chart#s Starting with 9999 = This option will skip all chart numbers that start with 9999.

Select disciplines to run or leave all unchecked to select all disciplines. This option only works on some of the filter options. 


The following options may take longer to run:

  • Print TimeIn.Out Changes = This option will audit assessments that had the time in and out updated.  It shows the current time in and out and compares to what it was.  Report includes the difference in times.  This report will select any employee who worked during the time frame selected.  No times were changed will show up for employees who do not have a difference. 
  • Print Days to Lock Assessment = Use this option to view the number of days it takes to lock an assessment.  You can pick how many days to start at (number will exclude assessment locked within the number of days you select).

The report takes each scheduled visit during the past (Look Back) days, and tries to match an assessment to it.  If the time for the scheduled visit is left blank (leaving it 0000), then that gets changed to 1200 (noon).  If no match is found, then the scheduled visit is printed.  

There are several Print Options to choose from.  Select your option, then press Print tab.

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Last Modified:Friday, August 25, 2023

Last Modified By: farrah@barnestorm.com


Rated 5 stars based on 1 vote

Article has been viewed 8,404 times.
