Edit Care Coordination Note

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Edit Care Coordination Note

  • Select the patient from the Select Patient screen.
  • Click the Care Coordination button on the Main Menu.
  • Click on the tab named View and/or Select for Edit.
  • Search for the note using one of the search buttons.
  • The default dates that will be selected is for the current 485 episode. You can click on the Previous 485 button to change the dates or click on the drop down list to change them.
  • Once you find the note you can open it by clicking on it once.
  • At the bottom of the screen click on the red Edit button.

  • This will take you to the Add/Edit CCN screen.
  • Make the necessary changes and click on the blue Save button when finished.

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Last Modified:Friday, September 22, 2023

Last Modified By: farrah@barnestorm.com


Rated 5 stars based on 1 vote

Article has been viewed 2,531 times.
