Print / View an UB04 / 1500

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Print / View an UB04 / 1500

Effective April 1, 2014 CMS requires the use of the new CMS1500 02/12 form.  

From Main Menu in Barnestorm Office click on Billing > UB04/1500

If you are printing directly after creating a claim from the All Other Billing screen, click on the Print UB04/1500 button and it will redirect you to this screen.

PLEASE NOTEFor formatting/printing issues, please use the Adjust Print Position on the Page options before contacting Barnestorm, as this is usually an easy solution to making the documents align for you printer.

o Select the program/payer or enter the program/payer number from the top panel

o If printing an older claim - change the From date as needed

o To show all claims (including ones not created by you), delete the four digit employee number

o Click on the RAP or EOE or Refresh button, if applicable

o Select the serial number of claim(s) you want to view or print

o Click Print All Claims in This Batch; or select a patient and click on Print the Selected Claim tab (Tab will appear after you select a patient)

Note: additional printing options are available when you select UB-04 Print Options or CMS-1500 Print Options

UB-04 Print Options 

  • Print Agency Address in box 2 will add the address from Codes > Program Related Codes > Programs Codes. 
  • Drop leading zero from Box 4 will only show the last three digits of the type of bill.
  • Do Not Print CBSA will make the CBSA/Value code disappear from the print.  
  • Print Admitting Diagnosis in Box 69
  • Print Discharge House = 08 in field 16 of claim
  • Repeat HIC in Box 51
CMS-1500 Print Options

  • Print old Version (08-05)
  • Print Pt Address in box 32 
  • Print Ag (Agency Physical Address in box 32 
  • Print Today's Date in Box 31 
  • Print Claim total on last page
  • Print Signature in Box 31 (add employee Barnestorm code)
  • Print decimals in $amounts
  • 33b = Taxonomy

o Select Print Old Version (08-05) ONLY if the payer requires it; otherwise, use the new CMS 1500 02/12 form.

o If you need to print the claims load the appropriate forms and click on the printer button.

If the doctor isn't printing on the CMS 1500s and you need it to, change the payer billing format to J, and under Electronic Claims Setup, change Eligibility PayerID to DOC.

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Last Modified:Thursday, June 11, 2020

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