Search for Patient, Doctor, Pharmacy, Medicine, Employee

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Search for Patient, Doctor, Pharmacy, Medicine, Employee

Video: Patient Information Screen Video - YouTube

Search for Patients

  • Select the Patients bullet. This screen will allow you to search for patients using specific text in the 485, verbal orders, care coordination notes, or patient information screen. 
  • If you leave the From and Thru dates as today’s date, it will bring up all active patients as of today. Otherwise, you will receive the report for all patients that were active on and between the two dates. 
  • Type in the text you want to search for in the Text to search for box. 
  • Oldest to Newest will order by patient last name, then by date. 
  • Check the box 1 Page per Pt if needed. 
  • You can select which sections of Barnestorm to search for the patient information: 485’s, Verbal Orders, Care Coord Notes, and Patient Info. Uncheck the boxes for any areas you wish to exclude from the search. 
  • Enter the Program, Team, Employee codes if needed. Any items left blank will cause the search to include all codes. 
  • Click on View. This will generate a list of patients with the criteria you selected. 
  • To print the list, click the Print button. Click on the Print button from the Print Preview screen. 

Soc. Sec. No.: Search for a patient by social; enter at least the first five digits of the social security number into the text field.  Then click on the Soc. Sec. No. button. 
Phone#: Search for a patient by their phone number; enter at least the first four digits into the text field.  Then click on Phone#.
HIC#: Search for a patient by their beneficiary number located on the Referral > Payer screen.  Enter at least the first four digits into the text field.  Then click on HIC#. 

Here is a list of fields that are searched:

Patient Info:  Emergency contact name, Emergency contact address, Misc Notes
485:  14. DME and Supplies, 15. Safety Measures, 16. Nutritional Requirements, 17. Allergies, 18A. Functional Limitations Other, 18B. Activities Permitted Other, 19. Mental Status Other, 21. Orders
Verbal Orders: Text of order
CCN: Topic, Text of CCN

Search for Doctors

  • Select the Doctors bullet. 
  • Type the first three letters of the doctor’s last name. A list of doctors will appear. 
  • If you want to narrow down the list, you can select the referral type from the list on the right side (00 – physician, 01 – physician, etc.) 
  • Click on the doctor’s name to select the doctor. This will give you the doctor’s demographic information along with some of the identification numbers (i.e. NPI). 
  • If the doctor has any active patients a list will appear at the bottom of the screen.  It will also show how that doctor is affiliated with the patient (ie. primary physician, consulting, ordering, meds)

Search for Pharmacies

  • Select Pharmacies.
  • Type at least the first three letters of the pharmacy name. A list of pharmacies will appear. 
  • Click on the pharmacy name you want. This will give you the pharmacy demographic information.

Search for Medicines

  • Select Medicines. 
  • Type at least the first three letters of the medicine name. A list will appear. 
  • Click on the medicine name you want. This will give you the instruction information. 

Search for Patients Using a Certain Medication

After selecting the medicine, you can view Active Patients Only or select a From and Thru date for active patients. 

Click on Search for Patients Taking This Med. A list will appear. 

Click on the Print button if you need to print.

Search for Most Common Medications

Select Active Patients Only or use the From and Thru dates. 

Click on Most Common Meds. A list of medicines will show with a number of how many patients have used that medicine. 

Search for Employees

  • Select Employees. 
  • Enter the first three letters of the employee’s first or last name in the Search for an Employee box. A list of employees will show. 
  • Click on the employee you want to view. The employee demographics will appear. 

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Last Modified:Monday, May 09, 2022

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