Patient Events

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Patient Events

Use the Patient Events feature in Barnestorm Office to keep track of patient infections, injury, medication error, plus more. Each event type asks questions related to the event. There are drop down list for you to easily select from. There is also plenty of room to document extra information. If you don’t like the answers in the drop down list then you can type over the text to create your own. This feature is available on all of the drop down list in Patient Events. There’s a place to document action, findings, and comments. You can update the event with the progress of the actions taken to resolve the issue. Each time you edit (update) the event you can change the status and update the comments. The status includes new, investigating, resolved – goals met, resolved – goals not met, and unresolved.

o From Barnestorm Office select the patient with the adverse event. Click on Patient Histories > Patient Event.
o Click on the Add button or select a current event and click on Edit
o Select the type of event
o Enter the date of the event, employee who reported it, and the status
o Depending on which event you selected you’ll have different questions to answer
o Enter any comments and findings
o Click on Save and Return or Save
o The Previous and Next button will take you to the next event to edit

TIP:  You can change the text in any of the drop down list.

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Last Modified:Friday, July 02, 2010

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