Enter Patient Time Authorizations

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Enter Patient Time Authorizations

This feature will help you keep track of authorization hours and number of visits used (entered into Barnestorm) versus what was authorized. 

VA authorizations that are keyed on this screen will appear on claims. 

*Note: CAP/PCS payers do not have all options listed below. 

*Important: If you use the Schedule in Barnestorm to track visits and wish to use the feature in the schedule that compares authorized hours to scheduled hours, you need to enter in your authorizations as WEEKLY or Monthly. 

  • Click on Patient Histories> Authorizations; or from Referral > Authorizations.
  • From the top portion select the patient and payer.
  • Enter the From and Thru dates authorized.
  • Select the how format of authorization: Week/Month/90Days/Year for number of hours or select which discipline the authorized visit count is for.
  • Enter the number of hours authorized or the number of visits authorized for each discipline. 
  • Enter the Authorization number, name of person who authorized and how the authorization was received.
  • Click on Save.
  • To update the authorization information, click on the payer and watch the from and thru date advance. Enter the number of hours and if it is per week, month, or year. Click on Save.

Inactive / Do Not Renew 

If the patient’s authorization is no longer active, check the box Inactive and click on Save.  This will prevent that auth entry from showing up on reports. Inactive entries will appear on this screen up to 365 days after the Thru date. Key in any new authorizations to replace the expired ones. 

If the patient's authorization will not be renewed, check the Do Not Renew box and click on Save

Sorting the authorization list

You can sort the list of authorizations by selecting a From, Thru or Payer column header at the bottom of the page.  

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Last Modified:Thursday, October 10, 2024

Last Modified By: farrah@barnestorm.com


Rated 5 stars based on 1 vote

Article has been viewed 9,171 times.
