Track PT/INR Results

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Track PT/INR Results

If labs were documented on a visit, then the results can be documented on it when the lab results have been received. This will show up on the 60 Day Summary. 

  1. From Barnestorm Office or Barnestorm Point-of-Care, select the patient from the Select Patient screen and click on the Visit/Assessment tab.
  2. Click on the visit when the labs were drawn.
  3. Click on Enter PT/INR Lab Results.
  4. Enter results and click on Save.


A message may pop up saying no labs done on that visit, meaning the nurse did not document labs being drawn on that visit.

There are two ways to print a report for PT/INR:  

1) For one patient - pull up the patient from Select Patient, go to Visits/Assessments, click on View History and check the labs check box.  Run the report with the dates you prefer.  

2) For a running list of patients - go to Reports > Patient > 01.41 PT/INR Results and enter the dates, program and payer as needed. 

Example of 60 Day Summary

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Last Modified:Friday, August 25, 2023

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