18.02 PPS HIPPS $ vs Expected $

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18.02 PPS HIPPS $ vs Expected $

How to Run the Report

This report shows detailed information about each episode. From the Main Menu in Barnestorm Office click on Reports > Billing > 18.02 PPS HIPPS$ vs Expected$.

Program(s) / Team(s) = Filter report by entering program and/or team numbers.  Or leave blank to select all.

From / Thru dates = Episodes dates.  These dates tie into the option of From Dates or Thru Dates (bullet options).

EOE Billed Not Paid = Selects episodes where EOE was billed, not be paid.

Paid = Selects episodes where EOE was billed and the episode is at a zero balance.

When Paid is checked:

Show All Episodes = Will show all episodes 

Skip Where Paid = Billed = If the Paid number and the Billed are the same they will not print. 

Underpaid by = shows episodes underpaid by the percentage or less

Overpaid by = shows episodes overpaid by the percentage or more

From Dates = Selects the episodes based on the from date of the episode. 

Thru Dates = Selects the episode based on the thru dates of the episode.

Medicare = Selects Medicare PPS episodes                                     

Non-Medicare = Selects non-Medicare PPS episodes

Both = Selects both Medicare and non-Medicare payers. 

How to Read the Report

From Date= The from date of that episode.

Thru Date = The thru date of that episode.  This can be the discharge date or the last day of the 60-day episode if the patient was still active.

Pg/Pyr = The program and payer number.

HIPPS = The first HIPPS code shown is what appeared on the RAP, or the Amount Billed in A/R.

Vx = Total visits

Lu = LUPA threshold.

HIPPX = The second HIPPX code is the code after the episode was calculated for number of visits, Supplies, LUPA, etc…

$Expected = Shows the amount that Barnestorm has calculated and should be paid after allowing for Therapy, Supplies, LUPA adjustments.

The next four columns with $Diff show why the episode was paid differently. Other$Diff includes any other reason why the episode would be paid differently. The $Paid column only shows an amount when the episode is paid in full. It reflects what was actually paid.

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Last Modified:Thursday, March 16, 2023

Last Modified By: farrah@barnestorm.com

Type: INFO

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Article has been viewed 7,084 times.
