05.15 Balances - View Amount Billed/Paid by Transaction Date

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05.15 Balances - View Amount Billed/Paid by Transaction Date

This will give you a beginning balance per program/payer along with the amount billed, paid, adjusted, and the ending balance. This report reflects the amount when the account was billed or paid by transaction date, not by date of service.

From the Main Menu in Barnestorm Office click on Reports > Accounts Receivable > 05.15 Balances

How to Run the Report

  • From / Thru = These are the transaction dates you want to include on the report.  This includes amount billed and payment/adjustments.  
  • Program(s) = Filter the report by entering program number(s).  Or leave blank to select all.
  • All Payers - All payers will be included in the report
  • PPS Payers Only - Only payers with PPS=Yes will be included in the report.
  • Non-PPS Payers Only - Only non-PPS payer will be included in the report, PPS=No.
  • Show PPS and non-PPS totals = Adds a column for $Amount Expected. 
  • Print Each Program on a Separate Page - prints each program on a separate page.
  • Print by Referral Source = This will pull up additional options to sort the report by patient's referral source. This will exclude RAP payments.

How to Read the Report

  • Beginning Balance = The Balance leading up to the From date selected to run the report.
  • $Amount Billed = Total amount billed during the report period. 
  • $Amount Expected = Only shows when Show PPS and non-PPS totals is selected.
  • $Amount Paid = Total amount paid during the report period.
  • $Amount Adjusted = Total amount adjusted during the report period. 
  • Ending Balance = (Beginning Balance + $Amount Billed) - ($Amount Paid + $Amount Adjusted)
  • Oldest = This column shows the year and month of the oldest unpaid balance.

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Last Modified:Monday, November 07, 2022

Last Modified By: linda@barnestorm.com


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