01.08 Referral Counts

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01.08 Referral Counts

How to Run the Report

From the Main Menu in Barnestorm Office click on Reports > Referrals > 01.08 Referral Counts. There are a few different formats that will print, depending on which sequence you select.

From / Thru = Pulls referral stats based on the SOC Referral date (from Referral > Start screen).

Program(s) / Team(s) = Filter report by entering program and/or team numbers.  Or leave blank to select all.

Use Original Date Added as the Referral Date = The date that the referral was entered into the system. 

The following are the three most common:

Counts by Referral Source:

This one allows you to view referrals admitted vs. not admitted.  When you first run the report, you may get a message stating that there are patients without a referral source, do you want to view them. If you click on yes, a list with the patient chart numbers, name, and referral date will appear.

Detail will show you the referral type and the referred by name, ie. Physician Dr. ABC 123. It gives the number of referred, admitted, pending, and non-admit by the name of referral. It gives you a total by referral type and a grand total of all referral types.

Summary shows you the total per referral type and a grand total.

Counts by Payer:

If a patient does not have a payer, the stats will show up as *Unknown*.

Counts by County:

Depending on how your agency is setup, if a patient does not have a county entered in the Referral screen then it will appear under a blank county code or a separate sheet will pop-up with a list of patients that do not have a county code.

Detail of Pending:

The status is pulled from the Referral > Referral Information > Admit Type, not the Patient Status. 

Detail of Cancelled:

This information is pulled from the Referral > Referral Information > Patient Status. 

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Last Modified:Wednesday, January 24, 2024

Last Modified By: farrah@barnestorm.com


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