McBee Report for Excel

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McBee Report for Excel

McBee Associates looks for LUPA claims (< 5 visits) that had visits added after they were billed, so the claim should have had 5+ visits; and they look for therapy count discrepancies between what was billed and the actual number of visits on file now. 

Barnestorm is not familiar with McBee's contract, process, requirements, or documents. Please contact McBee for answers to those questions.

Barnestorm report for McBee, export to Excel:

select pps.patname, pat.birthdate, pay.description, ppr.hic, pat.admitdate, pps.fromdate, pps.thrudate, pps.hipps, clm42v, clm43v, clm44v, clm55v, clm56v, clm57v, dbo.f_dec2(pps.clmpayamt) as AmtPaid, oas.exportrec from ppstrack pps inner join patients pat on pat.chartnum=pps.chartnum inner join payers pay on pay.program = pps.program and pay.payer=pps.payer inner join patpayer ppr on ppr.chartnum=pps.chartnum and ppr.program = pps.program and ppr.payer=pps.payer inner join oasisb1 oas on oas.chartnum = pps.chartnum and oas.docid = pps.docid where pps.ymd485 between '20090101' and '20100630' and pps.status>'4' order by pps.patname, pps.thrudate

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Last Modified:Thursday, November 18, 2010

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