Add Problems, Outcomes and/or Interventions to a Care Plan

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Add Problems, Outcomes and/or Interventions to a Care Plan

You may edit or add new problems, outcomes, and interventions to care plans.

1. To modify care plan problems, log in to Barnestorm Office. 

2. From the main menu on the left, click the Admin button. If this button is not available, you do not have permissions in Barnestorm--check with your supervisor to find out who should make these changes.

3. Click the Manage Care Plans button.

4. The list of problems in the system will appear.

5. To edit an outcome or intervention, click the arrow beside the problem to open it.Click the outcome or intervention you wish to edit and then click the Edit Action or Edit Indicator button at the top. Edit the text and then click the Save button.

6. To add a new problem, first check the numbering of the existing problems and see what number the new problem should have. Then, click the New Diagnosis button.

7. Add the problem number and description and then click the Save button.  


8. To add new interventions (actions), click the New Intervention button, add the text, and Save.


9. To add new outcomes (goals), click the New Outcome button, add the text, and Save.

10. When you are done adding codes, you may simply go to another screen--everything is already saved.

11. For nurses to get the new or modified problems, they will need to sync.










































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Last Modified:Tuesday, August 07, 2012

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