Home Health Agency Survey - Reports

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Home Health Agency Survey - Reports

The following are suggested reports you can use during a Home Health Agency Survey. Note that you can search for the report by name or by number in the top middle of the Report screen.

Reports > Audit > 07.03 Medicare Survey Report  Click here for article

The Print Medicare Surveyor Report is the first report needed by a surveyor. It prints a list of patients that were active in the last 60 days with: patient name, chart, number of visits completed per discipline, admit date, discharge date, primary diagnosis code, phone number, address. Click on the button at the bottom of the page to default to common settings.  

Reports > Agency Data > 06.07 UnDupe Pt/Visit Cts by Pyr

Admissions report includes the number of Unduplicated Patients and Re-Admissions. Check the box for Admits Only. The second column of numbers, labeled for Unduplicated Patients, is the total number of unduplicated admissions.

Reports > Patient > 01.06 Selected Patients Detail

Check the Discharges bullet then select a discharge format.  This will give you discharged patients with and the reason why, along with summary of discharge reasons at the end of the report. 

Reports > Employees > 08.23 Print Employee Lists

Employee report includes the employee name, number, address, hire date, termination date. Select a format, uncheck Active Employees Only, change terminated date to dates in question. This will produce a report of all employees that were active during the date range you selected.

Reports > Agency Data > 06.29 Agency FTE by Pg/Disc 

FTE Equivalents - report includes the FTE hours / week; you can narrow it down by program.

Reports > Referrals > 01.08 Referral Counts

Number of readmits and admits in the past year.  This report will only work if you use the Referral > Finish > Admit Type feature to define the type of admit.   Select 04 - Counts by Admission Type.  

The following report is a possible request by Ohio surveyors

OASIS Answers to M0090 M0102 M0104: http://kb.barnestorm.biz/KnowledgebaseArticle51113.aspx 

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Last Modified:Monday, July 10, 2023

Last Modified By: farrah@barnestorm.com

Type: INFO

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