Request a New Medication

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Request a New Medication

Follow these instructions to request a new medication to be added to the Barnestorm Medication database:

1.  Select Patient screen:  Pull up the patient by name or chart number

2.  Click Patient Histories > Med History

3.  Click +New button 

4.  Select the Request New Med tab (the image below will open into a new screen)

5.  Fill out the Med Request form, completely, and click Send Message

**Add the new medication name and reason for taking the med.

**Make sure you include a valid email address. This is how we will contact you to let you know it has been added. 

6.  This sends an email to the Barnestorm staff with your requested medications. We will research the medication and enter the required information about it, such as functional class, interactions, etc. within 24-48 hours.

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Last Modified:Thursday, June 27, 2024

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