Troubleshoot Supply Requisitions

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Troubleshoot Supply Requisitions

P: My supply requisitions are showing up for the supply coordinator without any supplies in them and I know I put supplies in there.
A: The Save button was not pressed before leaving the supply requisition screen. The Save button will turn red when supplies have changed. If the Save button is not pressed before leaving, it will create a blank requisition and will show up on the supply coordinators screen as a blank requisition. The easy fix is to open the requisition again, fill in the supplies, and click the Save button.

P: I don’t have an option to import the supplies into my visit.
A: Open the requisition again and verify that the patient, employee, and date match those on the visit.

P: I cannot update the supply requisition.
A: It has already been approved by the supply coordinator. Contact the supply coordinator to get the requisition Unapproved if possible.

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Last Modified:Thursday, July 10, 2014

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