Add Surgery Codes for a Patient

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Add Surgery Codes for a Patient

From Barnestorm Office click the Patient Histories button from the Main Menu. A menu will pop up right underneath that, and from there you will select Surgery History.  From Barnestorm POC you will click on Surgery History. Select the patient from the Select Patient screen.

Add Surgery History

  • For the Surgery Date, click on the drop-down arrow to select the date for the new surgery. Or type in the date that you desire. This will be the date of the visit to your patient, when you determined that the condition of the patient has changed. This occurs most frequently on a resumption of care after an inpatient stay.
  • Enter the surgery by number if you know it, or you can type a word into the description and you will get a list of all codes that contain that word.
  • Click the Save button and the surgery code should appear in the grid of surgery codes. 
  • As needed, click on Add a New Surgery Code to add more surgeries.  Repeat steps 4 - 7 to add another code. 

Edit Surgery History

  • A list of the Surgery History for the selected patient is displayed. Select the surgery code for which you would like to edit. 
  • The surgery code will appear at the top of the screen after you click it.
  • Modify the information and click on the Save button.  
  • Note that you cannot change a date for a surgery already listed.  You must first delete the code and re-enter it with the appropriate date. 

Delete Surgery Code

  • A list of the Surgery History for the selected patient is displayed. 
  • Click one of the codes to delete it. The code information will show up at the top of the screen after you click it.
  • Click the Delete Code button.
  • A window will pop up asking if you are sure you want to remove the surgery. Click Yes.
  • The code will disappear from the list.

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Last Modified:Friday, May 06, 2022

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