Med History: Edit, Discontinue, Delete

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Med History: Edit, Discontinue, Delete

Edit Medicine(s) for a Patient:

Use the Edit button to make changes to the medicine if you made an error when you entered it. 

  • Select the medicine then the correct Dose/Freq/Route and click on the Edit button. The Add / Edit Medicine Code screen will appear.
  • Edit the medicine then click on Save and Exit button.

**In POC:  Only the employee who originally entered the medication can edit the entry.  If a different employee needs to change a medication, click the Add button to add a new entry.  

**In Office:  Any employee who has permission to edit the screen can change it.

Discontinue Medicine(s) for a Patient:

Use this process when a medication is being discontinued for the patient.

  • Select the medication that needs to be discontinued. 

You have two options:

A)  If today is the date to discontinue, click the Stop button to automatically discontinue effective today. 

B)  Click the Add button.

Change the date to the date the medicine was or will be stopped and click on Discontinue.

The window will close. Note that the medicine will be gone from the list if the effective stop date is before today.

To see all medicines, even discontinued ones, click the Show All Meds button.

If you click on a discontinued medicine, it will list the discontinued date along with the word “STOP”.

Delete Medicine(s) for a Patient:

  • Highlight the medicine that needs to be deleted
  • Select Edit Incorrect Entry tab
  • Select Delete
  • If you are sure you want to delete the medicine, click Yes.

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Last Modified:Friday, September 29, 2023

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