Edit ICD Codes

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Edit ICD Codes

Edit ICD Codes
  • Pull up the patient from the Select Patient screen (Main Menu). 
  • From Barnestorm Office click the Patient Histories button from the Main Menu. A menu will pop up right underneath that, and from there you will select ICD History.  From Point of Care select the ICD History button.

  • A list of the ICD History for the selected patient is displayed on the left. Select the date for which you would like to edit the code. The ICD codes, for the date selected, will be displayed at bottom of the screen.
  • Click one of the codes to edit it. The code will be highlighted after you click it.
  • Edit the code, onset, O/E, and/or severity as needed.
  • Click the Save button. Continue with editing of codes, as needed.
  • Click the red Save All Changes button when finished.  Then click on Exit

Change the order of codes

You can change the order one of two ways:


  • Click the Reorder button to change the order of the ICD codes that are listed. A window will pop up with the codes listed on the left.
  • Click the most important ICD code from the list on the left. It will be move to the list on the right at the top as the most important.
  • Click the second most important code next and it will move to the right, under the first code.
  • After you have reordered all of the ICD Codes, click the Save Changes button.

Move Up / Move Down

  • From the list of ICD codes, click on a code and then click on Move Up or Move Down to move it to the position you want it at.
  • After you have reordered the ICD Codes, click on the red Save button. 
 Delete ICD Codes
  • Create a new Effective date for when the condition no longer exist - Under Step 1 add a new date and then click on New Date.  The most recent codes will copy over to the new Effective Date.   
  • Click one the code that need deleted. The code will be highlighted after you click it.
  • Click the Remove This ICD Code From the List button. The code will disappear from the list.
  • After deleting appropriate codes click on the Save All Changes button.

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Last Modified:Monday, March 14, 2022

Last Modified By: farrah@barnestorm.com


Rated 5 stars based on 1 vote

Article has been viewed 6,010 times.
