Create a 485 in Barnestorm Office

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Create a 485 in Barnestorm Office

NOTE: If you use Barnestorm Point-of-Care, you must use the assessment to create the 485. This ensures that all documentation matches for audit purposes. The process shown below is for Barnestorm Office users only.

  • Select the patient from the Select Patient screen.
  • Click the 485 button from the Main Menu. A screen will appear that shows any existing 485 records for the patient.
  • Click the New 485 button near the top of the screen. A new window will pop up.
  • Review the Ordering Physician and employee. This information will pull from the Referral Dr and Employee tab. You can change this information, as needed. 
  • Verify the From Date and Thru Date is correct, then click the Create a New 485 button.
  • The Edit 485 window will appear. Select each tab to select and enter the plan of care information. 
  • The ICDs and Meds will pull the history based on the dates. Ex. ICD codes will be pulled from the ICD History screen and only pull codes that are dated on or before the 485 from date. 
  • The Box 12 tab – surgeries: Surgeries that have been entered will show up here. Click the surgery on the left to add it to Box 12 of the 485.
  • Go through the rest of the tabs to complete the plan of care information. 
  • Check with your agency on completing Box 21 and Box 22. They will provide their policy on a standard format for orders and goals. 
  • From the Box 23 tab you can click on the Save button. 
  • The Select/Print tab will show the new 485. From here you may Edit, Preview/Print, or select the other options at the top to see more.

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Last Modified:Thursday, June 13, 2024

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