Employee Date Tracking

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Employee Date Tracking

With Employee Date Tracking you can keep track of employee physicals, CPR license, auto insurance, and whatever else you would like. You can generate a report that tells you what is due / expiring.

From the Man Menu in Barnestorm Office click on Codes > Other Basic codes > Employee Date Tracking.

  • Enter the employee four digit number in the Employee field, a list of items will appear in the right-bottom panel.
  • Uncheck the Active Only box if the employee has been terminated in the Barnestorm system. 
  • Click on a code that you want to track.
  • Change the Date from the top-left side to the expiring or due date.
  • Check the Declined button if the employee has declined that code. The date will change to 1/1/1900.  
  • Click on Save.
  • Continue selecting codes and changing dates for that employee or change employee number to edit another employee.
  • To erase a date enter the employee number and click on the item. Click on the Remove button, this will blank out the date.  

Print Report for All Code Entries:

  • From the top-right panel change the From and Thru dates to the time frame you wish to view expiring codes.
  • Select the sequence you would like to use. Sequence #1 uses lines on the report to divide out your selection. Sequence #2 does not use lines.
  • If you would like to only print select Office data, enter the Office code inside of the Office(s) field.  Use a space to separate multiple codes
  • Click on the Print All button.

Print Report for One Code Only:

  • From the bottom-right panel select the code you want to track.
  • Select the sequence you want to use.
  • To select multiple codes check the box Allow Multiple Codes to be Selected for Printing.  Select each code from the Employee date codes list.
  • Click on the Print Code button.

Print Declined Codes:

  • Click the Print Declined button. 
  • This will print all declined codes


Other Report Features:

  • When using the Print Code or All Expiring to print, it will print for all employees.  Use the Print Just This Employee to only print the employee currently pulled up. 
  • Check Missing Dates Only and then Print All to view all active employees who have codes without a date.  This will ignore the From and Thru date selection and only print codes without a date (does not print codes with a date). 
  • Check Include Employees/Codes with no dates to include codes without a date yet to your print selection.  This will ignore the From and Thru date selection and will print both codes with dates and without dates. 
  • Check Include Contractors to include contracted employees (they will have ** in the Vendor field of the employee code setup). 
  • To add more codes to track, see attached article Edit Employee Date Codes.

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Last Modified:Monday, July 25, 2022

Last Modified By: farrah@barnestorm.com


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