Post Insurance Payment and Transfer Balance to Another Payer or Patient
**These steps should be used when payment is being made by more than one payer source. For example, if BCBS pays and there is a patient deductible or copay due, you can follow these steps to transfer any balances to the patient. Another example would be if Medicare pays primary and BCBS is to be billed secondary. Follow steps in this article to transfer balance to another payer source.
Before going through the steps, be sure you have the appropriate transfer codes setup. Steps are shown below on how to setup the transfer code. - From Main Menu select the Accounts Receivable tab from left panel. Select Post Payments, then select Post Paper R/A.
- Enter Chart # or last name to pull up the patient. Select the line with the balance, you are posting to.
- Verify the Transaction Date.
- Enter the Amount for payment as $ Amount #1 and enter the payment Code. Enter any adjustment as $ Amount #2 and enter the appropriate code.
- Then select Transfer the Balance to Another Payer. Additional fields will populate for data entry.
- Type in the transfer amount, Enter the Transfer Code, enter the Program and Payer code that the amount is being transferred to. (If you do not have an established transfer code, follow the steps below.)
- Select Save.
- Enter multiple payments/adjustments if necessary. You will need to hit Save between each chart entry.
- After all payments are entered click on View Detail. Verify that all payments and any adjustments are listed.
- Print if needed.
- Select View Totals, then select Approve Totals and Post Entries. You will get a popup "Posting Complete." Hit Ok.
Setting up a Transfer Code: - If you need to set up a Transfer Code, the code can be created from Accounts Receivable > Pay/Adj Codes tab:
- Enter the Program number.
- Select Show Available Codes tab, to get the next available number. Choose the Code you want to use, and it will appear in the Code field.
- Type in a Description. For example: "Transfer to Medicaid"
- Type in A for Adjustment.
- Click on Save.
Print A New Statement: - Barnestorm Office > Accounts Receivable > Reports.
- Select 05.37 Balance Forward Statement.
- Enter the patient/billing information.
- If you have multiple payers, and you want both to appear on the statement, select the box beside Allow Multiple payers, select those payers.
- (Optional) Check the option for Print Balance Forward.
- You also have the option to edit/change the statement trailer text before printing off your statement.
- Click Print to print your statement.
NOTE-FOR PPS PAYERS ONLY: If this is a PPS payer, and the deductible/coinsurance was only applied to the claim (and no payer payment made), you will need to do an additional step to clear the episode from PPS Tracking and mark the episode as Cancelled. Once you've followed steps above to post the coinsurance/deductible amount, continue with these steps below: - Go to Billing > PPS Billing > Edit PPS Episodes.
- Type in the chart number/patient name, and select the appropriate episode.
- On the far right, select the Patient Deductible bullet. This will time stamp the episode as Paid (at $0), based on your date of entry.
- You will receive a popup: "Do you want to mark this episode as Paid?"
- Click Yes
- Click Save These Status Changes button. Your episode is now marked as PAID $0.
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Last Modified:Monday, April 15, 2024
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