Missed Visits

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Missed Visits

Handle missed visits by setting up a visit status code for MISSED VISIT and use POC to enter a visit with that code so it's easy to find the documentation that you knew the visit was missed.  When setting up the code make it non charge for billing purpose. 

Enter the visit code here: 

  • Codes > Program Related Codes > Visit Status Codes
  • Enter Program Number 
  • Select Show Available Codes 
  • Choose a code 
  • Enter Description "Missed Visit" or something close to it
  • Chargeable would be No 
  • Maximum Visit Hours would be 0 
  • Care Given would be No
  • Real Visit can be answered Yes if you want it to show up on employee and stat reports or No if you do not want it to show up on reports
  • Save
Print Report
To run a report on missed visits go to Employee Activity > Visit Entry.  At the bottom, enter your dates and the visit status code for Missed Visits. Change the Show last field, as needed. Click on Refresh and then Print.  

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Last Modified:Wednesday, March 25, 2020

Last Modified By: farrah@barnestorm.com

Type: INFO

Rated 5 stars based on 1 vote

Article has been viewed 3,391 times.
