Create Chart Audit

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Create Chart Audit

This screen is used to view patient orders and visits completed. You can use it to verify whether the visit frequency is in order. From the main menu, click on Audits > Chart Audits.


  • Change the From and Thru dates. If you leave the dates as today, it will generate a list of all active patients as of today (if you leave the Patient field blank). If you enter a date range, it will generate a list of all patients active between those dates. 
  • Select These Dates Only to show all visits between the two dates selected. If you leave it unchecked, you will get a list of all visits completed for the patient.
  • Program(s) / Payer(s) / Team(s) / Case Mgr(s) = Filter report by entering program, payer, team and/or employee number(s). Or leave blank to select all.   The Case Mgr is based on the first employee listed on the Referral > Employees screen.

Printing Options 

  • Schedule Format generates a list of patients for each employee who has a patient (the employee number must be listed in the Referral screen under the Employee tab). It shows the 485 dates, when the next OASIS is due by, and the disciplines frequency. It also has a Monday through Sunday grid, along with a comment section.  This option does not work with 1 Page per Patient, Print Calendars, Include Supplies print options.
  • Employee Must Be the Case Manager = Check if you only want to print an audit for the case manager, instead of all employees listed for the patient. 
  • 1 Page per Pt  = will print one patient per page. 
  • Print Calendars = will add a weekly calendar view of discipline visits (see screen shot below). 
  • Include Supplies = will shows supplied used for each patient.
  • Include No Charge Vx = Checking this will add any of the non chargeable visits to preview. 
  • Include Pts w No Visits = This will show the patient even if they did not have any visits for the date range selected. 
  • Include CCN text = Pulls care coordination notes based on the date range selected. 

Print Calendar Screen Shot

Payer Options

Hospice, Medicare, Other PPS Payers, Medicaid, All Other Payers or All Payers = Select a bullet to narrow down the results by payer type.  When you select the Hospice checkbox, this will exclude per diems from the preview. 

Other Options

  • Sort by Patient Name or Sort by Case Manager Name  =  Case Manger will be the first employee listed on the Referral > Employee screen.
  • First Day of Audit Week = Select which day the calendar view should start on.
  • Choose Specific Disciplines = Narrow down your results by selecting which discipline(s) to pull.
  • Select Employees per Checked Disciplines = If you check a discipline(s) first, then select this button, it will insert each employees code into the Employee(s) field.  
  • Audit/Schedule for This Patient Only = Enter a chart if you want to print only one patient. If you need to search for discharged patient's, select the Patient Search Includes D/C Patients check box. 

 Click Print to preview and print the report. 

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Last Modified:Friday, November 15, 2019

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