Address for Directions on Referral

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Address for Directions on Referral

Where does the address that's used to get the driving instructions on the referral come from? And how do we set it up to search using a different address for our different office locations?

The address used for the "from" address to get directions to the patient's house in the referral comes from the agency address associated with the program code in the Payers tab. Each office location should have a separate program code to use when entering payers. Programs and payers can be set up by going to Codes > Program Related Codes, then select either Programs or Payers. You can look at existing programs and payers and create new ones in these screens.

Agencies with assigned Office Locations:  
If your agency has assigned office locations, the "starting address" is entered under Codes > Status Codes > Office Codes.   You will put your office address under the following sections:  Mapquest Starting Address and the Google Maps Starting Address.

**The directions come from  If Google Maps does not recognize an address it will ask you to verify that the address is complete, then try again.

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Last Modified:Thursday, June 27, 2019

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