Put a HCPCS Code on a UB04

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Put a HCPCS Code on a UB04

HCPCS (or Procedure) Codes come from the Job Code, which are setup under Barnestorm Office > Codes > Rates > Job Codes.  Each discipline has their own job code setup, including the HCPCS as needed.   Some have multiple codes setup for different payer requirements.  If you create a claim and the correct HCPCS code does not show up, verify the correct code is setup in this screen.

Also check Codes > Program Related Codes > Payer Codes.  Pull up that payer and check to see how the question "Use Medicare HCPCS" is answered.  If it is answered, Yes, the HCPCS on the Job Code will be ignored and will be replaced with G codes instead (based on the Rev Code used on the Job Code).

Rev Code =                           G code  

042X =                                   G0151 PT

042X =                                   G0157 PT Assistant

043X =                                   G0152 OT

043X =                                   G0158 OT Assistant

044X =                                   G0153 ST

055X =                                   G0154 RN

056X =                                   G0155 MSW

057X =                                   G0156 HHA  

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Last Modified:Friday, October 10, 2014

Last Modified By: linda@barnestorm.com


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