Unable to edit or unlock a note/assessment

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Unable to edit or unlock a note/assessment

There are several possibilities as to why someone may be unable to edit a nursing assessment.  Here are a few possibilities and their solutions:

  • The employee that you are logged in as did not create the note.  To resolve: Have the employee who created the note log in and make the changes.
  • The agency has set a policy on editing notes based on how long ago it was completed, and the note is too old to edit based on this policy. To resolve: Enter a late entry on the visit, if it is simply text that needs to be entered.  Or, speak with your Agency coordinator to adjust the day policy.
  • A charge has already been generated for the note.  If this is the case, you can either enter a late entry on the visit; or follow the steps to unlock the assessment.  Please click here for that article link.

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Last Modified:Friday, April 08, 2022

Last Modified By: linda@barnestorm.com


Rated 5 stars based on 1 vote

Article has been viewed 6,279 times.
