Barnestorm POC Patient Security Feature

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Barnestorm POC Patient Security Feature

There is a security feature of Barnestorm Point of Care software that is activated when a user logs in three times incorrectly.

·         If this happens, the software will remove all of the patients from the tablet database.  All of the information collected on the tablet will be retained, but, the vital patient data needing to be secured will be removed.  

·         Once this feature has been activated, the only way to recover the patient information is to connect to the original network on which the main server resides.  Once connected, a Barnestorm Office Admin user can unlock the profile from the Employee Activity screen so that the user can login and complete a sync; or start a chat for a rebuild of the database.  The sync/rebuild will send across any information that was collected on the tablet, then the patient recovery mode will be activated.  This will recover all the patients and insert them back into the database on the tablet. 

*Note:  If a user is habitually forgetting the password, the password can be changed.

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Last Modified:Monday, February 20, 2017

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