Payer is missing from Eligibility screen

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Payer is missing from Eligibility screen

Billing > Other > Create Eligibility Verifications:

Top Panel (For Medicare/PPS Payers)

All payers (with PPS = Yes) will appear in this window.

Bottom Panel (For Medicaid)

All Medicaid payers that have a payclass of C, D, E, F, G, 2, or 3 and Receiver ID NCTRACKSBAT or VAMMIS FA will appear in this window.

If the payer is not listed, follow these steps to correct:

1. Codes > Program Related Codes > Payer Codes.

2. Put in the program and payer number, to pull up the payer.

3. If Medicare/PPS payer, make sure PPS = Yes

4. If Medicaid payer, verify the payclass; and the correct Receiver ID is listed under the Electronic Claims Setup tab

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Last Modified:Tuesday, April 21, 2015

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